University of Akron - 2020 Graphic Design Senior Show

As the final leg of our journey through design school, my 30 classmates and I were tasked to each create a theme for the class portfolio show. In the end, A group of nine people were selected to manage the show design and production.

As part of this team my main job was to keep the other members on task and making progress. I also watched the feasibility of our design endeavors and tracked any logistical items that could occur.

Unfortunately like many things in 2020, this did not all go to plan. In March our in person classes were all canceled, and after a few weeks, it was decided that an in-person show would be impossible. Our team had to transfer to working remotely and figure out a way to allow possible employers to attend the show and view the student portfolios.

The final product was a website that featured our portfolios in a virtual gallery. Each viewable as moving piece of art.

Medium: Portfolio Show / Website
Year: Spring 2020
Client: University of Akron 2020 Senior Design Class
Important Factors: COVID-19 Lockdown happen mid-project and caused serious changes


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